Prafull Oorja trains yoga therapists to implement sustainable programs with communities in vulnerable conditions. Prafull Oorja Charitable Foundation is a registered NGO Trust in the State of Karnataka. We have 80g/12a certification and are in the process of applying for FCRA.
Arise, Awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.
-Swami Vivekananda
We offer training for yoga therapists to enhance their skills and increase their capacities to serve communities in vulnerable conditions. We conduct workshops for parents to provide support to children at home.
If you want to support us in anyway, we welcome all!
We train yoga teachers to work with the communities we serve. The course is 40 hours, and includes classroom-based theory and interactive sessions, observations and student teaching, homework, research, and presentations. Contact us to find out more!
We want children to be able to take home the practices we teach. Hence, special needs parents can register for a 2-hour workshop to gain the skills they need to support their children.
We are always looking for volunteers and interns to support Prafull Oorja in its growth and development.
Prafull Oorja welcomes donations to support its programs and seeks support in corpus fund development.
-Swami Vivekananda
This is our signature program. We work with children with special needs, including Autism, Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity, and Speech & Hearing Conditions. Partnering with special schools, we equip families & educationists to practice on a regular basis in order to ensure sustainability. Sessions include a mix of yoga, creative arts, & holistic practices, catered to the group in that moment. Children gain better motor skills, increased creativity & expression, verbalization & communication skills, control over emotions, ability to accommodate sensory inputs, & social skills.
A unique offering, we work with diverse communities, such as women's NGOs, orphanages & prisons. Through a series of sessions with a variety of practices, we help individuals & communities build a sense of sangha; they gain self-confidence, presentation, leadership, & team building skills, and some have even been inspired to take up new vocations. A few have become yoga teachers!
Prafull Oorja works with its communities to build their capacity through skill development, engaging them in new economic opportunities to create hand-made yoga products, which can be marketed in India and in the international markets. We create a full cycle and bring our beneficiaries into the yoga industry.
Our dedication to the field of yoga and yoga therapy brings health and well-being to people in vulnerable communities, and also keeps our own teachers in a healthy physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state.
We partner with several schools and NGOs that cater to unique populations, to provide respite, relief, and opportunity to those in need.
Our services reach under-privileged people living in vulnerable conditions. This includes people with special needs and disabilities, rural communities, mentally challenged & prison remand inmates. We take yoga practices & philosophies to these groups in a sustainable, long-term method, empowering them over time.
Our Sangha members are trained and equipped to work with communities and individuals in vulnerable conditions. We will travel throughout India and the world, and look deep within to do this!
When children with cancer are able to visualize their situation through the calming methods of Yoga, Creative visualization, guided meditation, half their battle with their cancer is won. We have seen over many years of this attempt, first under the guidance of Swami Yogaratna Saraswati and then through the Prafull Oorja Teachers, that there are infinite possibilities in the healing and acceptance for these children and caregivers through this focused method. Creative visualization empowers them and Yoga gives them strength and hope in the most difficult of times. I hope that teams like Prafull Oorja are able to build these strengths in society. It's much needed.
Prafull Oorja - a source of inspiration and opportunity to open your eyes and mind to differently abled children. Prafull Oorja - where even the tiniest bit from you goes a long way enriching the lives of children.
After completing my formal Yoga Teacher Training, working with Prafull Oorja helped me discover my passion for teaching yoga to children and adults with special needs. Yoga truly is for everyone, and Prafull Oorja’s mission to make Yoga accessible to everyone is a mission I carry with me as I continue my journey teaching yoga at home in Canada. Seeing each student connect with yoga in different ways and making developmental strides at their own pace is selfishly gratifying, immensely humbling and constantly leaves me in awe. The work Prafull Oorja does across India to make yoga accessible to so many underserved communities is not just heartwarming, it’s extremely impactful and helps the individuals in these communities develop their skill-sets and reap the benefits of yoga that a lot of us take for granted. I am always grateful that I began this journey with Prafull Oorja.
“I enjoy yoga classes in school”- Chinmayee “I am doing yoga at home as my school is closed. I like ‘tree pose”- Jeevitha Bai RN “I am very happy that my child is given yoga training at her school. She practices it daily at home. Even during the lockdown due to Covid 19, as she couldn’t go outside, she did few asanas daily at home. This is making her stay fit and healthy.”- Gayathri R.N (Parent of beneficiary.)
The beneficiaries at AMC are undergoing yoga training through Prafull Oorja. Weekly once the classes are being conducted at the campus. The following have been observed: The children and young adults enjoy the format followed by them, the way the yoga asana are accompanied by a song. Therefore, even though the children are not able to learn or pronounce the name of the asana they are able to connect with them with the name of the song. For eg: “Tree pose, crocodile pose,” From last one year with the practice of yoga the beneficiaries have been calm and are actively participating in the sessions. Even when the pandemic hit and the schools were shut down, the beneficiaries continued to practice yoga at home.
I am so grateful to have met Sowmya and be part of the wonderful team of Prafull Oorja in Bangalore. They are all great yogis and yoginis full of Love, Energy and Creativity teaching yoga in a lot of schools for children with need in India. I was teaching yoga in Serene institution for Autistic Care in Bangalore. I was so happy to see how they improved and loved Yoga. Unfortunately I had to leave India and come back to France where I am still teaching yoga in a school for Autistic children. I feel so happy to share my experience with these French children. It is amazing how they relav and improve each time. Their parents are so impressed. I ❤️ yoga and Prafull Oorja!
-Patanjali Yoga Sutra
This is what all the parents and teachers have told us. Prafull Oorja’s method of mixing the creativity and healing arts, along with Yoga, helps children to sit and practice.
Prafull Oorja doesn’t teach with the goal of being able to perform poses. We use the philosophies and practices of Yoga to inform a moment-to-moment need-based therapeutic practice. Asanas are included, however we help each child move towards the best possible version of the asana for him or her.
Yoga doesn’t require anymore space than that which we stand, sit, or lay down in. We will teach based on what resources are available.
To Empower individuals and communities to progress towards good health and well-being.
Providing aid to the distressed and elevating the socio-economic status of the individuals.
Developing positive impact on the lives of people around India.
Active participation and management in Bangalore.
Thank You is the greatest mantra.
-Swami Nithyananda
-BKS Iyengar